Master NMFC Classes with Carrier Partnership

We never want to let our customers down or have them end up with surprises on their freight bill. Our entire business is founded on service and trust. 

Todd Polen

VP of Pricing

For more than 80 years, the National Motor Freight Classification (NMFC) standard has determined the freight classes of commodities for motor carriers. The NMFC system standardizes thousands of commodities that go through LTL networks by establishing class types based on four characteristics — density, handling, stowability, and liability. 

This system is important in ensuring more predictable billing for shippers and streamlining load planning for carriers, so everyone knows what to expect from the shipping process. 

However, in practice, it can be complex and take shippers time to learn how to properly navigate it. This confusion can have negative effects on both shippers and carriers. 

Freight classification mistakes and inaccurate Bills of Lading can create confusion, delays, and unexpected charges on final invoices. These unanticipated fees are reflected on the carrier’s invoice and then either absorbed by the shipper or passed on to their customers.  If the carrier has to reclassify freight because it was incorrect on your BOL, it takes time, energy, and incurs clerical costs for both shipper and carrier. 

Shippers that want predictability in their pricing should be working with a transportation partner that can help them navigate the system to avoid surprises.

Contact Us with Your NMFC Questions

Our team is ready to answer any questions you may have about the NMFC or your freight classification. Please contact your Solutions Specialist or Customer Service at  800-235-5569